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What makes StreamShuttle better than the others?

When I bought my house a few years ago, being tech-savvy, naturally I wanted to incorporate some smart home features. However, setting up a basic home video surveillance system proved to be a frustrating experience. Some systems lacked advanced features, like person detection or notifications. Worse though, many systems required using cloud services to even just view the footage, which didn't align with my privacy concerns. I found it hard to believe that any data would leave the premises without oversight. This worry intensified when I delved into the privacy and security issues of consumer cameras available online and in stores.

The privacy argument essentially boils down to trust. Do you trust the people handling your data? I know that I certainly don't, especially after researching various off-the-shelf cameras. Don't take my word for it, just take a look at these headlines that come up with a little cursory investigating.

After trying different solutions, both commercial and open source, it was evident that a simple and comprehensive solution meeting my criteria wasn't available. I settled for a system that was functional but lacked many essential features, like push notifications, two-way audio, and even a simple way to review footage.

Over time, maintaining this system became more cumbersome, leading me to realize the need for a solution that could be easily set up and managed. Friends and family also sought my help in selecting and configuring home CCTV systems, highlighting the lack of user-friendly options on the market.

Thus, I embarked on creating StreamShuttle. My main objective was to develop a user-friendly, private, and secure solution. By leveraging advancements in technology, I've been able to create a streamlined system, leaving behind the complexities often found in older systems.

StreamShuttle isn't limited to just your home; it's also suitable for businesses. With features like real time object detection, multi-location support, end-to-end encryption, and cloud storage that YOU control, all baked in, everything you need is accessible, without any need for clumsy plug-ins. My commitment is to establish StreamShuttle as the simplest and most robust NVR available.