Whats a Device
A device is any type of device that produces media that we might want to monitor. Usually its a camera, but it could be just a microphone, or some other type of media stream source.
Whats a Media Event
A media event is basically a segment of media that has information attached to it. When recording video by default a new media event is generated every 5 minutes. Each media event includes details of any activity detected for that particular segment of video. When a device is set to only record activity, then a media event will be generated which contains all the details about what triggered the activity.
Whats a Hub
A hub itself is a process used to control and monitor a group of devices. Usually there is one hub per machine but depending on workload there could be multiple hubs per machine. (ex. Using multiple physical disks)
Whats a Storage Area
A storage area is essentially a place where media can be stored. A storage area could be local or remote.
App Areas
Montage View
The montage view is a layout area where you view the live feeds from all of your devices across all hubs / machines in a single place.
You can save as many layouts as you need. (for different devices, different logical device groupings)
- ex. If you have cameras at multiple physical locations maybe you only want to view the cameras from a single location. You can easily do that by creating a custom layout.
Activity Review
The activity review area allows you to browse through all the recorded activity frames in the specified time frame. This makes it really easy to skim through and quickly discern if any of the activity warrants further investigation.
Timeline Review
The timeline review is a great way to hone in on activity across many devices at once, all synchronized to the same time.
This is useful when reviewing interesting activity and you want to determine if any other devices picked anything up.
The dashboard is the first page you see after logging in. It gives you a high level overview of your entire system.
That's it! Now you can head over here to setup your first device (camera / doorbell / baby monitor) or checkout the docs.