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Activity Review

This area is used to get a quick overview of all the activity for a given time period. It allows you to quickly filter the activity based upon the currently selected devices and the type of activity.

Each event tile contains a preview image of the recorded activity, the type of activity that triggered the event and the time it was triggered.

  • Clicking on the tile image will open the video and start playing right before the activity was recorded.
  • Click the "View Event" button to open a window containing the "Event View" where you can further review all activity from this specific media event.

Recent ActivityHow many hours in the past should we review activity for.
Sort ByTime or Activity. Time is the default in items are ordered from most recent to old. Sorting by Activity shows tiles that probably have the most interesting activity.
Filter DevicesAllows you filter which hubs and devices should be displayed.
Activity TypesAllows you to select which types of activity should be included.
- Object - object activity
- Motion - motion activity
- Audio - audio activity
- Triggered - manually triggered activity (clicking bell)
- Alerted - only include events where external alerts were triggered